Costco List

Hannah Edlin
2 min readApr 2, 2018

Here is a list of things you may have not know you that you can buy at Costco, or maybe you do and it’s just an easy way to remember it all. I hope it helps you navigate the craziness that is a warehouse grocery store. Some of these items like milk, lunch meat, and meat I don’t buy from Costco but I included it in case you do. Their are a few other suggestions I received from people that I listed that I have not tried but most of this is my own personal shopping list.

Condiments, Cooking

1. Avocado Oil (it’s so much cheaper here and it’s the only oil I use both in baking and cooking)

2. Coconut oil (oh and coconut oil haha)

3. Almond butter

4. Kerry Gold pure Irish Butter (so much cheaper here)

5. Honey

6. Himalayan Pink salt and Pepper grinders

7. Avocado Oil Mayonnaise

8. Thai kitchen organic Coconut Milk (canned and much cheaper here we use it in smoothies)

9. Maple syrup

10. Organic chicken stock

11. Minced garlic

Vegetables and Fruits

1. Apples and Bananas

2. Watermelons (seasonal)

3. Grapes

4. Grapefruits

5. Peaches (seasonal)

6. Zucchini (seasonal)

7. Squash (seasonal)

8. Baby spinach

9. Gourmet medley potatoes

10. Brussel sprouts

11. Broccoli pre cut bagged (not frozen)

12. English cucumbers (seasonal)

13. Sweet kale gourmet salad mix (I use in stir fries)

14. Baby carrots

15. Pomegranate seed cups

16. Sweet mini bell peppers

Meal Time

  1. Adele’s sausages
  2. Other meats such as chicken ground beef etc
  3. Kodiak cakes, Power cakes protein pancakes mix
  4. Kirkland signature organic brown eggs
  5. Annie’s mac n cheese
  6. Pacifica Roasted red pepper tomato soup (seasonal)
  7. Maya Kaimal curry (refrigerated)
  8. Rice
  9. Quinoa
  10. Cereal
  11. Oatmeal
  12. Dave’s killer bread
  13. Lunch meats
  14. Cheese
  15. Milk


  1. Good foods guacamole cups (refrigerated)
  2. Kirkland signature hummus cups (refrigerated)
  3. Frozen berries
  4. Parmesan cheese crisps
  5. Applesauce (packets or bulk)
  6. Chocolate covered açaí bites (frozen)
  7. String Cheese
  8. Dried mangos (several other dried fruit options, as well as a dark chocolate covered mango!)
  9. Mixed nuts
  10. Stretch island fruit co fruit leather
  11. Annie’s bunny snacks
  12. Natures bakery fig bars
  13. Food should taste good multigrain tortilla chips
  14. Rxbars
  15. RW Garcia organic 3 seed sweet potatoes crackers
  16. La croix sparkling water


  1. Trash bags
  2. Paper towels
  3. Toilet paper
  4. Kirkland Baby wipes (limited diaper brands are available)
  5. Plastic bags (package with gallon quart and sandwich size)
  6. Dish detergent
  7. Laundry soap
  8. Batteries
  9. Pillows (yes I have bought pillows from Costco)
  10. Dish towels
  11. Shampoo
  12. Razors
  13. Eos chapstick
  14. Deodorant
  15. Tampons

