Organize Toys

Hannah Edlin
3 min readJan 3, 2020

Post Holiday Purge and Reset! The only way I know how. So please feel free to share your tips and tricks because I always need new ideas from experienced and mindful mamas. Links at bottom of what I use.

Sort and Purge

  • Expect to take breaks, expect to take a few days on the project. This takes time and thats ok.
  • If possible move all of the toys you have into one room. This will help you see everything you have, find pieces for sets, and over all just get a good look on how much you actually have.
  • Have a Trash bag and a Goodwill bag. Getting rid of things that don’t have all the pieces, aren’t played with, broken, ect.
  • Keep like toys and sets together. Have several paper bags to separate toys and catagories into
  • Pro tip from my sister holds onto toys for a month or so and if her kids don’t ask for it to goodwill or friends it goes.
  • Choose some toys to put in a rotation Bin.


  1. Which room/s Will Toys Live
  • My kids rooms and one closet is our toy homes. As well as a couple of wicker baskets in our living room (these are the only toys on our main floor if all is cleaned up and in place). We do not have a designated play area and this work well for our family so far.
  • When toys are only kept in one or two places (I prefer at two) it feels much easier to keep them where they belong and keep track of what you have at all times.

2. Choose Toy Storage

  • Find proper storage for the amount you have. I like the look of the finished product a lot better. I have however used shoe boxes, empty diaper boxes and the like as storage. Don’t limit yourself if you can’t splurge for new bins.
  • Measure before you purchase to make sure bins fit the shelf or space.
  • I chose to keep toys in separate containers and not one big toy box. This makes it easier to find the right pieces for specific toys. As well as clean up and play because he only gets one bing out at a time (in theory ::wink::).

3. Final Stage

  • Put toys that belong together in bins and LABEL accordingly.
  • Vacuum and or dust the toys destination.
  • Chose which bins your kids are allowed to have free access too and place them accordingly.

How I Separate My toys ( +links)

  • FREE ACCESS playmobile, duplos, transportation bins (cars, planes, ect), and his train track. They are in ikea drawer bins in his closet. Along with books on his bookshelf.
  • The baskets in our living room have magnetiles, kids Knex, blocks, and a few cars he picked out. We rotate these toys almost weekly.
  • RESTRICTED ACCESS Puzzles, marble tracks, craft supplies, games, educational toys, playdough. These are all in a closet in bins not in his room. He has to have permission to get into and one at a time. BINS USED.
  • I solved the misc toys that don’t really belong in any of our catagories in a bin he gets to fill his back pack from and take to church, restaurants, long car rides, or airplanes. I get rid of stuff from this bin the most, he does not have free access to this bin.

(NO IKEA PLASTIC BINS. The lids don’t click tight. The baskets I have in my living room are pretty small, but they are holding up ok for the price. Currently hold what I need it too. I wanted something with lids so toys weren’t visible. Pottery Barn has some exceptional ones I want to save up)

Part 2 Coming Bringing Toys Home

